Easy to understand guidance, so you can make a better decision about accessing, using, and sharing university data.
New to using data? That’s OK. Get guidance on how to approach your work that might involve the connections between data and information technology.
Where to start, including sustainable practices and assurances that you are meeting data security and governance standards.
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How to determine whether your answer might have a connection to data and the most common questions asked.
Start with best practices
Want to add a new tool or product that needs to connect to UW-Madison info, or use a UW profile to login?
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Why change the way we approach data?
Changes are underway in the way we access, use, and share data.
What data tools are there, how are they used?
These are very often the things that are used when accessing, using and sharing data.
Will my product/tool be accessible?
If you are considering adding a new product or tool, digital accessibility should be part of the decision making process.
Best practices in getting access to data
The key person to know in getting access is your data steward. There are data stewards for each type of data you might need.
How do I get my users access to data?
The process might involve using a UW-Madison profile to login.
Data integration tool guides
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General questions
Talk to an expert to get answers, guidance, and advice for your specific question.
Data Stewards
The point person to help get access to the institutional data you need to use.
Folks who frequently use, access, and share data at UW-Madison.
TechPartners, Data Wonks, BI Community of Practice, more tech support groups