8. Define success and publish data

Why it’s important

Establishing goals to collect the right performance data will provide the team, service owners, and/or leadership with overall metrics (1) for successfully managing your service, (2) assessing the success of or potential problems with your service, (3) for data-informed decision making, (4) for best-serving user needs, and (5) for demonstrating the value of your service. Determine what performance indicators make sense for your service and make the data available.

What to consider

  • What does success look like for the service? What key metrics will the team collect and where will your team access the data?
  • How have these metrics performed over the life of the service?
  • What system monitoring tools are in place? Are you finding service issues which could have been identified first through monitoring, but are instead identified through the DoIT Help Desk?
  • How does the team respond to incidents? What is the team’s post-mortem process?
  • Which tools are in place to measure user behavior? Customer satisfaction?

Toolkit: Principles and practices worksheet
Capture info as you work through each of the principles.

Contact us
Get in touch with the DoIT Interoperability Team to start your interoperability project.

Dig deeper into this principle

The Metrics and Data Analytics Team can help you gather metrics.
The Center for User Experience can help you set user-focused goals.
The DoIT Help Desk can help you collect offline performance data.
Contact DoIT’s Event Management & Monitoring team to set up service alerts and monitoring.

Please send feedback to the DoIT Interoperability Team. We welcome your input!