10. Ensure interoperability

Why it’s important

Most of us benefit from interoperability every day, perhaps without even realizing it. We’re able to read the same messages on our phone, laptop, and tablet. We can quickly log in to a wide variety of systems using our NetID. When we access MyUW, we have quick access to personal information such as our payroll or Wiscard balance. Interoperability allows these systems to “talk” to and “understand” the information they pass to one another.

Delivering this type of functionality to users and providing access to high-quality data for technologists can be elusive in a complex, highly distributed IT environment like UW-Madison. That’s why interoperability is a team sport, most effective when we work together to improve the ways that integrations are done through the use of shared vocabulary, practices, and infrastructure.

What to consider

  • How does your product, technology, or idea fit into the broader IT ecosystem? Are there other similar tools or solutions that may inform your need?
  • How will you align data and access decisions to the business process needs?
  • Who do you anticipate needing to use the system? When should they no longer be able to use the system?
  • What integration decisions might you make today to set yourself up for long-term success? How might you select an integration method that won’t have to be redesigned as a result of other changes
  • What maintenance will be required to ensure the integration works in the long run?

Toolkit: Principles and practices worksheet
Capture info as you work through each of the principles.

Contact us
Get in touch with the DoIT Interoperability Team to start your interoperability project.

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The DoIT Interoperability Team is here to help to better understand and take action on interoperability.

Please send us your feedback. We welcome your input!